Sunday, January 10, 2010

Im in DC!

Right now, Im sitting in my room, next to my two awesome Korean roommates. At first I was really worried about having two international roommates, especially two who already knew each other. But I was completely wrong. I love it. They are so incredibly nice and funny and we get along really well. This is gonna be such an amazing experience.

On Friday night, I went out with about 15 other people, mostly international students. We went downtown to a restaurant/bar and then I came back because Im under 21 and they were going to a nightclub. It was so much fun meeting people from across the world.

So far I have learned:

-DC clubs are almost all 21+ and the doormen can be really rude and unhelpful.
-Talgi means strawberry in Korean.
-Just like how I want to go to Europe and travel, many of the Europeans Ive met have dreamed of coming to America and traveling

and finally (and probably the cheesiest thing Ive ever said)
-We're not really that different at all. Even though Ive met people from different cultures, who speak different languages, and usually have never been to the US, we get along fabulously.

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